Bringing a forgotten Eynesbury playpark back into use

You’d be surprised just how difficult it is to track down which assets belong to which of the three councils that have some jurisdiction over St Neots.

In late August I was contacted by an Eynesbury resident who complained about the state of an overgrown playpark opposite her house, and when I visited it I was shocked to see the condition of the equipment.

This was a mystery because I know that both St Neots Town Council and Huntingdonshire District Council take impeccable care of the various parks that they are responsible.

After some investigation I was able to discover that there had been a mix up in the transfer of the land, and we quickly resolved that the park was indeed Town Council property.

Our wonderful Ops team were immediately dispatched to clear up the weeds, much to the delight of the resident:

We have subsequently ordered an inspection of the play equipment to make sure that it is safe to use, and it should be back in action soon.