Get in the Bin! Conservative plan to build 150k houses
Does Michael Gove’s exit from Parliament mean the end of his controversial “The Case for Cambridge” the Conservative Government’s undeliverable plan to build 150k extra homes in water stressed Greater Cambridge?
Although Conservative MP Anthony Browne was critical of Liberal Democrat plans to building 57k homes, he went against the will of his constituents when he silently endorsed Conservative plans to build 150k homes.
Anthony said: “Even this small sample would seem to confirm that 57,000 houses are as unwelcome as they are infeasible”, he might as well have said: “Lib Dem houses bad. Conservative houses good.”
This sort of hypocrisy shows the clear problem with Westminster: career politicians put loyalty to their party ahead of the genuine needs of residents. What’s the point of electing party political MPs who change their mind whenever their political masters tell them to?
I’m in favour of building more homes, but they have to be the right homes in the right places.