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Why Vote Independent?

For those of us that have spent our lives absent-mindedly ticking the box against “the red candidate”, “the blue candidate” or the “the yellow candidate” (and sometimes even “the green candidate”) then voting Independent might seem a scary departure from the norm. It shouldn’t. Here are four reasons why you should vote Independent on May 5th.

1. Principles over Politics

Ideologies and tribalism have no place in local government. I promise that every decision that I make will be based on YOUR best interests and not those of a political party.

2. Collaboration over Conflict

I sincerely believe that we achieve more by working together than through the constant confrontational bickering exhibited by most political candidates. During my time as a councillor, I have repeatedly demonstrated a will to work with councillors (and councils) of every political persuasion to get the best deal for residents.

3. Openness and Accountability

Most of us have grown accustomed to political candidates that only show their faces at election time. Over the past three years, I have constantly engaged with residents using the press, social media and local radio. I have set new standards of responsiveness and accountability. If you elect me, I will always return your call.

4. We Can Win

As the current Mayor of St Neots, and Chair of Cambridgeshire County Coin I have a proven track record of representing residents and businesses during one of the most difficult years in living memory. This election is a two horse race between three Independent Candidates and three Conservatives for three seats. At the last District Council Election for St Priory Park and Little Paxton the Independent candidate collected the most votes.

May be an image of 3 people, beard and text that says 'Vote X Independent on 5 May 2022 Your candidates for Priory Park and Little Paxton for Huntingdonshire District Council'